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  • How can I make my purchase?
    You can make your purchase: ✦ Through the store ✦ By sending an e-mail to ✦ By sending a message to our instagram or facebook page
  • How long does it take to deliver?
    All items are produced after the order is placed, to combat unnecessary waste. This way, and since all items are handmade, the order can take up to 15 working days to be delivered. Delivery times may vary depending on the shipping country.
  • What shipping methods are available?
    All orders are sent via the Portuguese postal service CTT. If you live in Portugal, you can also choose to pick up your order for free in Parede, Cascais.
  • What are the payment methods?
    If you buy from the website, you can pay with paypal or credit card. If you buy through e-mail or social networks, you can pay with the app mbway or bank transfer.
  • Is there a physical Magicae store?
    No, Magicae does not have a physical space. However, besides having the option to pick up your order in person at Parede (Cascais, Lisbon), you can sometimes find us at creative markets around Lisbon. Follow us on instagram or subscribe to our newsletter to always know where to find us.
  • Are all the items handmade?
    Yes, all items, without exception, are handmade by Ines - Magicae's bookbinder and co-creator.
  • Where is the production made?
    All items are proudly handmade in Portugal.
  • Is the paper you use totally tree-free?
    Yes, at Magicae we only use 100% tree-free paper. We use algae paper (a mixture of algae and tree-free natural fibers), 100% cotton paper and 100% sugar cane paper.
  • Why tree-free paper instead of recycled paper?
    Recycled paper is an excellent alternative to conventional paper since it uses existing fibers that would otherwise be wasted. However, the recycling process: ✦ unfortunately, is not always done, either because the paper is not placed in the recycling bin or because of poor separation of materials ✦ requires blending virgin fibers from trees to give rise to recycled paper ✦ can release chemical residues into the paper that can even hinder the recycling process. The papers we use are made 100% from tree-free raw materials such as cotton, algae and sugarcane bagasse, and are also completely free of chemicals and bleachers. In addition, most of the raw material comes from waste (from the sugar industry and excess algae from the Venice Lagoon), fostering the circular economy and, consequently, fighting waste.
  • Why sugarcane paper?
    Sugar cane paper is produced from the waste products of the sugar industry. The so-called bagasse (the solid part of the cane) was usually wasted or even burned, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. Being transformed into paper, it gives rise to a new material, avoiding this harmful emission into the atmosphere. Then, in addition to avoiding the cutting down of trees, this paper comes from a resource that renews itself more quickly and uses fewer resources, such as water for example, to be produced. Learn more advantages of this paper on the materials page or in this blog article (link para o artigo).
  • Why cotton paper?
    The need to create totally plastic-free products brought us to cotton paper. When paper is laminated - as in the traditional stationery market - it gives the rise to a multi-material product, making it difficult to recycle. That's why we use a 100% cotton cover on our Eco-Notebooks, for a more resistant and durable cover that doesn't require the use of plastic or other synthetic materials. Learn more about this paper in our materials page.
  • Why algae paper?
    Algae paper is made from Shiro algae that are in excess in the Venice Lagoon. Being in abundance, they absorb too much oxygen and thereby reduce the amount of oxygen available for marine life. In this way, the algae are removed from the Lagoon, treated and refurbished into a conscious and 100% tree-free paper. Learn more about this paper on the materials page.
  • Why are the covers not laminated?
    Lamination-usually put in place by stationery brands to protect the covers of items-is a process that involves bonding plastic to paper through heat and pressure. This bonding makes the recycling process difficult since not all recycling programs are able to separate the materials for proper recycling. As a result, many of the covers of plasticized notebooks, diaries or pads end up in landfills and littering the planet. Therefore, at Magicae we prefer to protect our covers with 100% cotton paper rather than lamination, ensuring that the products can be recycled in their entirety.
  • Why is production done without electricity?
    Producing energy requires the use of natural resources, such as coal, oil or gas. In addition, generating energy from these resources emits greenhouse gases that are contributing to global warming. At Magicae, since it is still impossible to use renewable energy such as solar power, for example, we do not use electricity, except in the printing process, in order to save the natural resources in question and not contribute to environmental degradation.
  • What is EcoTank technology?
    All Magicae covers are printed with EcoTank technology. This technology consists of refilling the printer's inks with bottles instead of traditional cartridges, reducing the amount of plastic generated by them. This plastic is not easy to recycle due to its non-biodegradable components and can take hundreds of years to disappear into the planet, often ending up in landfills and thus contributing to environmental pollution.
  • Are all products recyclable and biodegradable?
    All products are 100% recyclable. However, only the Organic Notebooks and the Eco-Cards are 100% biodegradable. The Eco-Notebooks, although 100% recyclable, contain metal rings and corners that are not biodegradable.
  • Is there any waste in the production process? How do you deal with it?
    All items are produced only after the order is placed to combat unnecessary waste. However, since these are handmade processes and we excel in quality, sometimes there are pieces that contain imperfections that prevent them from being sent to the customer. In these situations, all pieces are used by Magicae members or given away.
  • How are they used?
    1. Choose whether you want to play with the whole deck or just one of the themes. 2. Spread out the chosen cards or shuffle them and pick one at random. 3. Read attentively and take a moment to reflect. 4. Then take a pen and write down the answer to the topic in your notebook.
  • What are the themes of the Eco-Cards?
    The Eco-Cards have 5 themes: - TO BE: Gratitude for the Self - to strengthen self-love and self-confidence, showing that all you need is you - TO FEEL: Gratitude for Sensations - to practice absorption of what manifests itself through your senses - TO DREAM: Gratitude for Dreams - to practice the Law of Attraction and show the Universe that what you desire is already yours - TO CONNECT: Gratitude for the Other - to practice the connection with other beings and the absorption of the good that they add to your journey - TO KNOW: Gratitude for Wisdom - to make you aware of what you know, of what you are capable of and how far you can go
  • What are they used for?
    The Gratitude Cards are used to work on one's perspective of the good things in life. They help to work on gratitude for the simplest things, to observe small positive moments with attention and awareness and, consequently, to reduce anxiety and relieve stress.
  • Are the Eco-Cards biodegradable and recyclable?
    Yes. All the cards are plastic-free and made from sugar cane paper, resulting in a deck that is 100% biodegradable and recyclable.
  • What materials are they made of?
    All decks of cards are made with natural color sugar cane paper. Free from trees, plastic, chemicals and bleaches.
  • How should I look after my Eco-cards?
    As they are not laminated and are made only from organic materials, you should keep your Eco-Cards in the 100% cotton bag we provide whenever they are not in use. Do not let the Cards come into contact with liquids or sharp objects. Do not leave the Cards in the sun.
  • How should I discard my cards?
    If you've used all the cards and there's no point in keeping them, consider giving them to a friendly soul who you feel could benefit from them too. Reuse them and pass them around as much as possible. When their life has come to an end, dispose of them in the paper recycling bin and keep the 100% cotton bag to store other items.
  • Why are they called Eco-Notebooks?
    Magicae hardcover notebooks are called Eco-Notebooks because they are made entirely from Earth-friendly materials. The concern goes beyond the type of paper used, with attention also being paid to the other materials, the production process and ensuring that the product doesn't end up littering the world at the end of its life.
  • Are these notebooks biodegradable and recyclable?
    Only the metal rings and corners on the Eco-Notebooks are not biodegradable, although they are 100% recyclable. All the other materials used are 100% biodegradable and recyclable.
  • What materials are they made of?
    The Eco-Notebooks (hardcover notebooks) are made with cotton paper, sugar cane paper, recycled pressed cardboard, metal rings and corners, and water-based glue. These notebooks are completely free of plastic and trees.
  • How should I look after my Eco-Notebook?
    Since no notebook is laminated, we advise you to store your Eco-Notebook in a cotton bag whenever it is not in use. Do not put it in contact with liquids or sharp objects. Do not leave it in the sun. If it gets dirty, you can use a wet cloth to clean it, without applying too much pressure.
  • How should I discard my Eco-Notebook?
    When your Eco-Notebook is finished, you should put the metal rings and corners in the metal recycling bin and the sheets and covers in the paper recycling bin.
  • Why are they called Organic Books?
    We call them Organic Notebooks because they are 100% made with natural materials, grown without added chemicals, bleaches, fertilizers or pesticides.
  • Are these notebooks biodegradable and recyclable?
    Yes, the Organic Notebooks are 100% recyclable (put in the paper recycling bin) and biodegradable.
  • What materials are they made of?
    Organic Notebooks are made of shiro algae paper, sugar cane paper and 100% hemp thread. These notebooks are completely plastic and tree free.
  • How should I take care of my Organic Notebook?
    Since it is made only of organic materials and does not contain plastic wrap, we advise you to store your Organic Notebook in an individual bag (cotton, for example) whenever you are not using it in order to protect it from elements such as water or heat. Do not put your notebook in contact with liquids or sharp objects. Do not leave your notebook in the sun.
  • How should I discard my Organic Notebook?
    At the end of its life, you should dispose of your Organic Notebook by placing it in the paper recycling bin.
  • I have an idea that I'd like to implement with Magicae. How should I proceed?
    Since 2022, Magicae has been synergizing with other people and projects to bring the world more creative pieces with meaning. If you have an idea that you'd like to materialize with us, we'd love to hear about it! Fill in the form on the co-creations page or send us an e-mail with your idea to
  • Do I have to have a ready-made design if I want to co-create with you?
    As a rule, in the co-creations we do, the brand/person in question already has a defined design for the project. However, if you'd like us to do the design in synergy with you, that's a possibility. Just share your ideas with us and we'll come up with a final concept together.
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