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Thank you for coming here and wanting to know more about Magicae.

I am Inês, creator of the brand, writer of my story and child in my free time. At the age of 7 I came into contact with writing for the first time. When I was hospitalized with an asthma crisis, I found myself alone for many hours, and when my grandmother offered me a diary, I made it my company. At the age of 11 I got acquainted with poetry on an impulse to write a poem for my mother. There I discovered my favorite art form. Since then I have been writing down the adventures that happen to me: sometimes in prose, sometimes in poetry; sometimes in a lighter way, sometimes more deeply; with periods of time writing every day or writing from time to time. Between peace and chaos, writing was always here for me.



It was in 2020 (in the middle of the pandemic) that Magicae was born. Motivated by love for journaling, I learned the art of hand binding and this, combined with my love for this blue planet of ours, gave birth to the brand. Along the way, I began to feel the need to bring to people the magic of writing that I was discovering on my own in my journey through life; to provide journaling tools and show how these can be powerful mechanisms of self-knowledge and self-development. All this done in harmony with Mother Nature.


The choice of the name Magicae - which means "Magical" in latin - appears to represent the two essential ideas that we integrate and intend to transmit:

  •  The infinity of magical things that the Universe - and the Earth in particular - present us with every day, as well as the thousands of millions of coincidences that had to happen for life to exist on this planet;

  • The unique characteristics that give rise to our inner magic and that, although we are part of a whole, distinguish us from each other as creative beings.

This is why values such as environmental ethics and transparency are key elements of Magicae. The conscious choice of materials has always been the factor to which I have given most importance. After developing the concept of each creation, all the pieces are thought to be ecological, from the beginning to the end of the process. From the handmade production made without the use of electricity, practicing the concept of slow production; through the natural and sustainable materials used in production, to ensure the least possible impact on the environment; and ending with the concern with the recyclability and biodegradability of the products, to ensure that they reach the end, instead of causing (more) garbage in the world.

It is between conscious choices - contrasted with improvised plans - that I have been building this path. What's next? I don't even know. I just know I want to continue to illuminate the normality of the routine of beautiful human beings with a pinch of paper-based magic.

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